from 24-02 to 04-03: 2540U$
A posada De Luxe is the ideal one for those who do not want to give up any comfort, even in Los Roques!
- 1 day in Hotel in Caracas
- Flight Caracas-LosRoques (roundtrip)
- 7 days in Posada Deluxe
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from 21-01 to 28-01: 1390U$
Ideal offer for those wishing to spend a holiday immersed in nature, isolated from the modern world
- Kochi-Agatti Air Connection (rounftrip)
- 7 days in Bungalow at Thinnakara in full board
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from 21-04 to 29-04: 1450U$
- 1 night in hotel in Panama City
- 7
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Request an estimate of your vacation!
Complete the form indicating the destination of your interest (you can add more than one) and the dates you plan to travel.
Subsequently we will ask your contact information to allow one of our operators to send you one ore more estimates for a customized vacation according to your needs and desires. It will be possible to add extra services to the package like airfares, assistance, excursions and medical/luggage/cancellation insurances.
In the section Destinations you will find details about the destinations we offer and the relative accommodation options as well as a real-time estimate for the vacation of your interest.